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  • "A game-changer for baby gifts!"

    This is probably one of the most thoughtful gifts that can be purchased for a little one! The hymns that are played are so sweet and thoughtful. This is definitely a game-changer for baby gifts, as I will be purchasing more in the future!

  • "These things are life-savers"

    My husband's EXACT words last night were, "These things are life-savers!" My 1 year old daughter and 3 year old son each have their own Huggy to soothe themselves to sleep each night. Every home should have one of these!

  • "This is a unique ministry!"

    I simply cannot tell you what a blessing this is! This is not just a business- it's a unique ministry! You will be able to put lovely hymns, special prayers, and the very heart of God into each home that receives a Huggy Hymn.